The Rolling Hills Leadership Institute is a ministry of Rolling Hills Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee that centers on developing, equipping, and launching the next generation of faithful church leaders. Our Residency programs provide an environment where leaders are immersed in a Christ-centered, fast-paced, and growing ministry context with hands-on experience and one-on-one ministry supervision. As a part of the Leadership Institute, students will receive:
Residents can be placed within any ministry area of our church, including but not limited to: Worship Arts, Production, Preschool, Kids, or Student Ministry, Men's or Women's Ministry, Care and Connections Ministry, Accounting/Finance, Multi-Site, Missions, Campus Pastorship, College and Young Adult Ministry, and Communications. These positions will most likely operate as part-time positions with the potential of a full-time option.
Each resident will be assigned a ministry supervisor to meet with weekly, integrated as an essential part of the ministry team, and gain hands-on experience planning and executing various aspects of the ministry area. The Resident's specific area of focus will be determined based on their area of expertise, the current need of the ministry, and their desired area of focus.
Upon provisional acceptance, you will register for support-raising training run by Reliant to start your support-based ministry journey.